Penelope Dobby CAD offers all the tools needed for the creation, design, production and simulation of all kind of designs created with a dobby loom.
With more than 30 years of experience taking care of our client’s needs, Penelope is developed from the fabric designer point of view and includes multiple tools that facilitate their daily tasks and let them focus on their design creations, increasing their efficiency and reducing the time spent to introduce the yarns, colors, weaves and technical data into the system.
Presented with a user-friendly interface, Penelope is the best valued CAD solution according to the users.
The hyper realistic fabric simulation accelerates the decision-making process involved in the creation of the collection while reducing the huge sample production, which means cost and time saving for the companies.
Penelope Dobby contains and manages all the technical data needed to produce designs, such as the needed yarn calculations, the data sheets, and the files CAM needed to communicate to the productive machines.