Monti Group can proudly look back on more than 100 years of successful history in producing shirting fabrics.

36 million meters of cotton thread, transformed into warp and weft for more than 90,000 meters of fabric in more than 2300 variants: these are their daily numbers.
To produce these numbers day after day requires an organization and technique of great complexity and efficiency. A whole set of refined technologies, guided by a team with high skills and excellence make textile design an applied art.
Eight thousand variations of fabric, updated for every collection requires creativity and far-sightedness, strong personality and group spirit. Simplicity and elegance, naturalness and innovation are the distinguishing traits of “made in Italy” to guarantee optimum performance.

The determination to make the best product and to have the best production process requires a continuous activity of improvement by supplying the best in technology and collaboration inside and outside the company. Research and development are there for constantly applied in all sectors. From the planning and maintenance of the looms to dyeing and colorimetry; from the computerized management of every phase of the process and from the conception to the realization of sample collections.
These are the reasons why we decided to count on the software from Penelope CAD systems already since 2008. Penelope is the perfect completion for our high standard in perfection thanks to its professionality, efficiency and continuous software development and improvement as well as many particular software modifications.

Since working with Penelope, we can easily export data, create collection folders in one unique shared database, used at the same time in Italy and our production plants in India and Czech Republic